About Us

At Uila Kauai we believe there is a better, more holistic way to improve your health and wellbeing. It's not a pill, it's Frequency Specific PEMF Therapy.

With over 12 years of rehabilitation physical therapy experience, this technology has changed our mindset on how we deal with our families health and we would like to share it with you.

What Makes PEMF Therapy Safe
Many of us have been taught to be wary of the dangers of electromagnetic fields in X-rays and microwaves. There are two important differences between PEMF and those other waves (known as EMFs)
High-frequency EMFs are disruptive to the body because they ionize (charge) cellular atoms, altering DNA. By contrast, PEMFs, which are low frequency, are far more similar to natural frequencies, like those found in thunderstorms, and therefore have no negative impact. PEMF treatments are pulsed, patients only receive that low-frequency energy in short bursts, further lessening any possibility of negative impact. For these reasons, PEMF treatments are considered perfectly safe.